
My working schedule and classes

As I mentioned recently, I received my working schedule and details about my apartment and such on Wednesday. Once I get to my apartment I'll be able to share more details about the size and layout, though it looks like it will probably be about the same as the room I'm in now (posted earlier this week).  My schedule will probably be the same until April, when the new school year begins. For now I'm working Tuesday through Saturday. I will be teaching 8 kids classes and two middle school classes, 14 adult classes, and four private lessons. That's a total of 28 lessons per week, each 45-50 minutes long. each class will probably have 6-8 students (private lessons have 1 and some of the adult classes could have over a dozen).  Of the kids classes, three groups will be three-year-olds, with a 4-5 year old group and the rest being 9-12 year olds. We have been doing kids training today (written Thursday afternoon) and they are very energetic and fun lessons, with a lot of work involved in preparation and teaching. By Saturday I will have planned and taught my own young kids lesson and I should have a good grasp on the expectations.  Sunday is our first full day off and it looks like we won't have to worry much about homework or anything so I should be able to get out and do something fun. My training mates are all girls and they were talking of going to Shibuya and a butler cafe. I don't think I'll join them if that is the case, but I'm still at a loss as to what I want to do first. I want to be frugal with my money this month but I want to have a great time too. Decisions decisions!


  1. Probably a good idea to pass on the Butler Cafe. Let the girls be girls.

  2. Yeah, that's my thought. They want me to join them, but I have no interest in that!

  3. Please inform us uneducated... what is a butler cafe? Something like Chippendales?
