
In-Flight Impressions

This post was written on Monday/Tuesday. After years of flying without a hot meal served to me, I finally got a full, cooked meal as part of my flight. It wasn't that long ago that they served meals on the long flights I'd take from Atlanta to San Francisco and back.  Granted, it was airplane food. I had the steak pieces with onions, peppers and broccoli, rice, salad, roll and brownie for dessert. It really wasn't too bad. The salad was surprisingly good. Not that I have much to compare with. The roll and butter were bland, but that brownie was awesome! It had little butterscotch chips in it that really added a great flavor.  The meal reminded me of tv dinners. Not even one day away from America and I'm already missing a staple food item! Country fried chicken and gravy was on my food list but I never got a chance for that one last meal. There's a Hungry Man dinner with white chicken pieces, corn, mashed potatoes and a brownie that would be really great right now.  Meanwhile, I'm writing this with about three hours left on my flight. It's amazing how long 11 hours is when I don't have a computer to entertain me. I read a little from a book, took a nap, ate the meal discussed above, read some more, read even more, finished the book (300 pages), played several games of solitaire, and there's still a long way to go! Another random thought while flying: why do the flight attendants wear so much makeup? I don't find it attractive. Forty to fifty year-old women with gobs of makeup look trashy. Add that business uniform and it seems they're trying to be a low-class call girl.  After several trips with older women and men as attendants on my flights, there is one attractive younger lady working this flight. She's still got way too much makeup on, which makes me think the airlines require a certain amount of makeup by weight, but she looks cute and is even cuter with a flower in her hair that makes me think we're flying to Hawaii instead of Japan.  There's still a little kid in my heart. I didn't just figure this out; I've known that i don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid. But this was even more obvious to me during takeoff today, when I stared out the window like I was a dive year old kid and this was my first flight. It didn't help that we flew right over Ocean Beach. I could see so much of San Francisco that I'll miss: Lake Merced, Sunset, Golden Gate Park, the beach, the Beach Chalet where I just had my last SF meal, the Cliff House, the Presidio, the Golden Gate Bridge, downtown, and even my grandma's house just up the hill from SF State. If only I could use a camera during takeoff, because there were so many great views up the coast all the way to Bodega Bay!

1 comment:

  1. In flight meals are the worst. Unless you don't get one and you're starving.
