
My first Demo Lesson

It's been almost a week now. Today is Saturday and I just finished teaching my first demo lesson.

I taught a lesson designed for 4-5 year olds and it went fairly well. I have plenty of areas to improve on though. I've been exhausted the past couple days from training as several of the activities have been quite kinetic in nature. I went to bed at 9pm last night, I was so tired.

The sleep certainly helped as I was refreshed this morning after my shower and ready to teach my lesson. As I said, there are things I need to work on, and I could not remember the starting points of the songs. My mind was a total blank. Ugh!!! Plus, I kept saying "good job" instead of giving specific feedback. And I kept forgetting to elicit responses for the words. I tend to over think and overwork things and that's how it comes back to get me. Plus, I know I am very unsure of myself right now and that shows. I also think I didn't get enough practice with the last parts of my lesson with "students" there to help the flow. It's ok though, I suppose. I was energetic and gave some good gestures. Hopefully I'll rock the adult lessons next week.

Because I've been so tired and busy I haven't really left the building these past couple days. We have a bit more time tonight and I think we're going out for dinner and then I can go to the Internet cafe and publish this post, catch up on my reading and such, and relax for a while.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to go explore a little but of the city. I'm being as careful as possible with my money so I think I'm going to a couple museums and I can explore Akihabara. I don't want to stay out too long tomorrow because we have class again on Monday. Hopefully I can get a quick post together for tomorrow night. Not having local internet is a pain because it means I have to walk about 30 minutes to the train station area to sync my blog posts and read all the posts everyone else makes.

Meanwhile, I need to get back for the second half of today's training. There's some deconstruction going on behind me which makes quite a racket from about 8am until 5pm, which since it's 2:30 is in full swing. No midday naps for me! They finished demolishing the building on Wednesday and are now picking up the mess.

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