
Random Image for Today

It's late. I'm tired. Yadda yadda. I climbed Mt. Takao today (Monday) and had a great time doing it! But now I'm ready to go to bed.
These mascots are from the Tohoku region. The one with the seven-leaf clover in his headband is from Tochigi. The hiragana on the headband tells me that! I don't know where the other super-cool astronaut superhero dude with the McKayla Maroney smirk is from.

Mascots are everywhere and for everything. Sometimes there are costumed people at the stations selling stuff, but other times you can get lucky and see actual mascots! As you can see, I caught these two at a tourism booth set up outside Shinkoshigaya Station. They've been there a few times over the past year or so, and kids love to stop by and take photos. I'm surprised I haven't seen them recently, with the Golden Week holidays just around the corner.

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