
Koshigaya Hanata Dairoku Park: A Touch of Greenery Close to Home

Last October a friend told me that Koshigaya, the city I call home, has a nice garden of its own. I'm not entirely sure of the name - it's either Hanata-en or Hanata Dairoku Park.
 We arrived late in the afternoon to find that it was still open, but would be closing soon. We had about 30 minutes to stroll around. This building is the entrance and I believe it's an old restored home as well. With very little time, I took my pictures as we enjoyed our stroll.

 The low sun made for some nice shadows and colors.

 The building off in the distance is a theater.

 This is a tea house, hidden behind some trees.

 There is a long string of bridges around the back side of the garden. Behind me, relative to the photo above, is an iris or lily garden of some kind. Nothing was growing in the fall, so I have no pictures now.

 Here's the Noh theater. I heard something going on as we walked by, which could have been rehearsal or some other event.

 Nearly back at the front of the garden, there's a small hill with a waterfall.

 At the top of the hill, there's another small waterfall and stream.
 This postal box is very old, the sign giving the details about its origin.
After leaving the garden, we headed to a nearby coffee shop for... coffee. And cake. I love the little creamer pitcher, which is about as big as a one-yen coin.

Koshigaya's garden is small compared to the popular Tokyo gardens, but it's nearby and on a nice day it would be a great place to relax and read a book while sitting on a bench. A bus from Shinkoshigaya/ Minamikoshigaya Station's northern side will get you to the park in about 15 minutes.

Admission is 100 yen and the park hours are 9:00-17:00 April through September (9:00-19:00 Saturday/Sunday/holidays) and 9:00-16:00 October through March.

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