
First Snow of the Year!

I've been super-busy lately. I came back from Korea and got most of my chores done but then I received a care package from California. I'm still trying to get that all put away. Plus I've been busy at work. Let me give you an idea of how busy I've been.

Last Sunday I finally did some sightseeing that I had been pushing back for a year. Yes, a full year (I just celebrated my one-year anniversary in Japan). I managed to get to the Imperial Palace and the Communications Museum, though I got to the Currency Museum at 4:00, and last admission was at 4:00. I was turned away.

Last Monday I was at work for a few hours tutoring Amanda a bit for the GRE and recording some audio for one of our students.

I didn't leave work until about 10:30 on Friday night as I was part of a discussion about another student that I will probably be teaching starting in April.

And Saturday, I taught eight classes including four kids classes. That's overtime, if you don't know. Plus, one of my kids classes had two extra students which made for even more prep needs. That evening was our New Years party so I didn't get home until about 11 pm. The teaching day begins at 10 am on Saturdays.

What about this weekend? I went back to the Currency Museum on Sunday, before doing some card shopping and spending the entire afternoon and evening with Kenny. He and I both went home on one of the last trains!

But wait, didn't I mention something about snow? Yes. I had been planning to travel to Kamakura and Hakone yesterday but there was a 100% chance of rain so I stayed home. And it started snowing in the morning, continuing all the way through until dinnertime! It was very wet, heavy snow but today there's still some left, and it was a complete surprise to me that it happened. At least three inches fell in Tokyo but I think it was closer to six around Koshigaya based on what I saw.

So here are pictures from yesterday! Enjoy!

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