
A Short Vacation

You know how when you go on a trip for vacation, you feel like you never had a vacation at all? I kind of feel like that on this trip. I've been kind of tired and at the same time trying to handle a bunch of business. I did my laundry and ran errands on Friday. I worked all day Saturday and attended a party that night. I somehow was able to sleep in until 11AM on Sunday (the first time I've really slept in in months) but I went out in the afternoon to do a little Tokyo sightseeing. Monday (today, as far as when I'm writing the post) was booked as well. I recorded a speech, tutored Amanda a little bit as she starts preparing to take the GRE, and ran a couple more errands.

It doesn't sound like much, but I seem to never just take a day off.

I enjoy being busy though. When I don't have anything to do, I try to find things. Someday I might learn how to do nothing for a day, but when I'm alone it's not that easy. That's why I have so many hobbies; they keep me busy. 

Oh and the rest of the month is booked too!

Next weekend I'm meeting up with Kenny, and on the 20th Amanda and I have plans to go into Tokyo. My aunt and uncle are supposed to be in town the following weekend.

But I enjoy being busy, and I really like hanging out with my friends and family. 

So after spending most of my Christmas-New Years vacation running around Seoul, I am ready for a day off! That probably won't happen for a long time though...

Anyway, good news! I received a care package from the States containing my mail and way too much candy. All kinds of mint-flavored chocolates plus some peanut butter cups and red vines. I'm pretty happy to be staring at a 10-pound pile of candy. Hopefully I can make it last for the whole year. I should make it last for the whole year. So I should probably go now and put it in my freezer before I eat an entire bag of something. I did just say one of my goals is to lose weight this year, after all!

I'll be putting a real post together in the next day or two. Until then...

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