
Origami to the Power of 11

If I had all the time in the world, I would still not be able to do everything I'd like.

One of our students created a beautiful collection of origami boxes. Just have a look:
 They're essentially identical, with the exception of the papers used, giving a bunch of different patterns and designs.
 These little boxes were each filled with little sweets, which were a gift to us a while back.
 As you can see, there were 11 boxes total, each one with a unique selection of papers. And yes, they open - the tops pull up just like a shoebox lid.
 Each of us kept one or two boxes.
 I went with the classic black and white, as well as the blue and orange. I don't want them to get damaged, so for the time being they're safely tucked on a shelf; soon I'll hide them away inside a box so they can't get crushed or otherwise damaged.
I can only imagine how long it took to make all of these, not to mention learning how to make the boxes first! Origami is something I'd love to learn to do... along with all those other arts and trades that seem so interesting!


  1. I love origami - it fits in with my mathematical interests quite well.

  2. I think I could figure it out pretty quickly, because I'm pretty logical and good with geometry (which I wasn't when I was in high school, unfortunately). Fractal patterns and things like that amaze me, if the different arrangements of the boxes doesn't clue you in already!

  3. If you want a challenge:

    Plus here is a bit more of my writings on origami

    I haven't done much lately, though I do have some different models that I've folded in the brand new Math Center that my college just built (and that I am now directing)

  4. These are so cool! I've got a jar about half way filled with origami my students made in my classroom. Most of them are cranes, but I have a few frogs and even a Yoda.

  5. Jealousy. I almost picked up a book on how to fold origami but decided I still have too many hobbies in my life right now to try another.
