
31 Days of Halloween: Trains and Animals

Today's treats come with a bonus. You see, each pack has something extra besides the edible goodies inside.
The first pack is called Train Card. If you couldn't tell. What does this have to do with candy? Well, these packs are found in the candy section, and do have something sugary inside.
Each pack has two cards plus one pack of gum. There are several "food products" that exist solely to offer collectible goods. In addition to cards, there are small posters, figurines, and toys. The gum isn't special but it's enjoyable. The train cards are neat and I might just have to try to collect all 20 cards.
And here is Pokemon Wafer Choco. What do you think's inside?
Why yes, it's a pokemon sticker and a chocolate cream wafer. Many small food releases are issued this way, mainly centered around anime. The sticker I have uses a refractive coating, but I'm not sure if it's special or they all come that way. And frankly, I don't care enough to try to find out.

How's the wafer? It's edible. There are better ones that I got packaged with other cards, but I think these taste just about as good as the ones I remember having as a child from the grocery stores in America.

And that gum? It still has some flavor left after writing out this entire post, so give it a bonus point for that!

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