
31 Days of Halloween: A Thursday Threesome

Today, I'm sharing a trio of snacks that combined cost well under $1! Perfect for your trick-or-treat bucket!
I'm not sure how to translate this snack. It looks like something only adults would like. But hey, I'm an adult, right? And I love berries and chocolate!
The filling inside doesn't quite have that pink hue the wrapper does, but this was totally delicious! The center is a soft cake, and the chocolate "tire" around the outside doesn't taste cheap and oily. I could really pick up the berry flavor in the creamy center. I polished this off pretty fast. Even as a child I'd be happy to have one of these!
Next, this egg-looking thing. It's basically called Chocolate Fondant Marshmallow.
It's a little denser than American marshmallows but the taste is similar. The chocolate cream on the inside is rich and almost liquidy, but it doesn't run like a liquid. This is a dangerous sweet to have available!
How about a carrot to polish things off? Ninjin, says the wrapper. That means carrot. What's inside?
Those are small rice puffs, just like Rice Krispies. They're lightly sweetened but don't taste anything like carrots. I think that's a good thing. And I hate to say this, but they're probably the healthiest of today's three sweets. And they aren't half bad, either. I'd take these over a Choco Bat simply because they don't have that oily aftertaste the chocolate on the Choco Bats has!

Are you getting hungry?

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