
31 Days of Halloween: Ramen... Candy?!

One of these days I'll brave the stranger snacks found at Japanese snack and candy shops. But I'm going to take a small step in the right direction by popping into a couple packs of noodle snacks.
If you've ever wondered what instant noodles would taste like without the water, wait no more. These tiny packs are essentially the same thing.
The left-hand pack has chicken-flavor ramen noodles, while the pack on the right has yakisoba style noodles. Honestly, I don't know the difference yet. But these two packs have two different flavors. The chicken flavor in the ramen pack is apparent, and the noodles taste a bit saltier. The yakisoba noodles have more spices which in turn makes them more flavorful.

I'm not sure which one I like more, but I think the chicken ramen noodles in the orange pack have a slight edge. And these tiny packs have made me more interested in trying other (full-size) bags of similar snacks!

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