
Fun Videos to Pass the Time

I'm cleaning out my "Saved Articles" folder, and finding a bunch of stuff that I should have tried months ago - KFC here had what looked like a delicious chicken and rice bowl but it's probably gone now, for example. And plenty of events came and went without my attending them.
I'm also finding a bunch of videos I saved to just toss into posts. So why not add in a couple now?
I might have posted the Taylor Swift one before. But it became an instant hit at the office when I showed it to some of the other staff and teachers.
And not goat-like at all, Action Movie Kid has had a second compilation video for a month now.
This girl could totally take me down. She scares me.
Pharrell Williams's Happy may have come and gone in the US, but I'm just now getting around to posting this Harajuku version from about, well, four months ago. And it's a good way to chill out after your virtual butt-kicking from a seven year old girl.

That's all for today! See you on October First!

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