
Trip Report: Mori no Yuenchi and the Dragon Coaster

Mori no Yuenchi is a small amusement park in Noda, Japan, a little ways outside of Tokyo. Getting there isn't necessarily easy. From Tokyo Station, visitors have to transfer a couple times and walk a good distance (or take a bus or taxi), and in all it takes about 75-90 minutes to get there. It's a long way to ride a small children's coaster. But I went to Tobu Zoo recently, and decided to swing by in the afternoon to check out the grounds.
 I arrived about 30 minutes before closing. Admission is free, and individual rides cost 100-500 yen, or you can buy an all-day wristband (1800 yen). Unless you have children, you probably won't want the band.
 There were a few kids in the park, running around trying to get a few more rides before the end of the day.
 The Ferris wheel is quite impressive, but I didn't take a spin. I think the wheel is as tall as the park is large.
 There's a nice maze in one corner of the park.
 I've never seen these tiny dolphin water rides in America, but many parks here have these instead of full flume rides. It's highly possible that some smaller parks in the US have these, but I never really went to any parks that would likely have them.
 The rides are certainly geared toward children. Nothing here is thrilling, but if I was a child I could find them fun.
 Meanwhile, what about the coaster? Dragon Coaster is a roller coaster with cars themed to be like a dragon.
You go around the course three times, because the ride is so short. It's about as thrilling as any other child's coaster. In other words, not that much. But for 300 yen, I think it was a fun ride... again, for children. Mark another credit off my list, though!

It's best to use Google Maps to get directions based on where you're coming from. There is a bus stop nearby, but I don't have any details on it. I walked to the park from Nodashi Station on the Toda Line. Mori no Yuenchi is open 11:00-17:00 (10:30-17:00 on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, 10:30-19:00 during Golden Week, August weekends, and Obon holidays). Closed Wednesdays except for holiday weeks and a week in January.

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