
A Perfect Day for Korean Baseball: SK Wyverns Game at Munhak Stadium, Incheon, South Korea

I had an early evening flight out of Incheon Airport, and the Wyverns were playing in Incheon that afternoon, so I figured I could see one last game before heading home. Despite being fairly close to the airport as the crow flies, getting to the airport by public transportation required going a good bit north to catch the Airport Express train, which took about an hour and a half.
 From the Munhak Sports Complex subway station, a good ways outside of Seoul, just follow the signs from Exit 2. The large stadium in front of you is designed for track and field and soccer games.
 You want the smaller stadium to the right. This gate, the closest to the station, is the outfield gate. Tickets can be bought on the other side of the stadium near home plate, and are very reasonably priced. I bought an outfield bleacher ticket, knowing that I'd have to leave early anyway to get to the airport in time.
 The stadium is built to AAA standards, with two-level seating in most of foul territory and plenty of luxury boxes and seats behind the plate and down the right field line.
 It's certainly a stadium I'd be happy to visit over and over again, if it wasn't so far from Seoul, which is also quite a ways from Tokyo.
 Incheon is pretty empty in this area, so the view is pretty simple, with the other stadium being the only major structure in the skyline. I tend to prefer skylines with buildings or mountains beyond the outfield.
 You can walk around the entire stadium, a definite bonus in Asia.

 To get between left and right field seats, you walk right behind the batter's eye. It's possible to stick your camera up over the fence and snap a few shots. I wish I had zoomed in more to decrease the graininess of this image (it's been cropped).
 Here's the view from almost-straightaway center field.
 I find it interesting that the cheerleaders are pictured here in this photo-op display, because I didn't see a single cheerleader during my entire stay in Korea. Where are they?!
 I grabbed a Hite Ice Point beer to sample while enjoying my Burger King burger. Hite is okay, like Bud Light or other light beers with a crisp taste that you can drink fast. For its purpose, it works. The stadium has a few other food options around the stadium but I didn't see anything spectacular beyond the usual Korean ballpark fare - sausages on a stick, etc.

The photo above is the view from my chosen general-admission seat. I was one of the first to sit in this area, and I found a ball left over from batting practice right at my seat - a KBO official ball! It pays to arrive early and be observant. It was hot and clear, and I got a bit burned out here because I didn't have any sunscreen.
 This display is a sort of Wyverns Hall of Fame and Museum. You can see "Legends" on the left, a television showing highlight clips in the middle, and autographed baseballs on the right.
 Nearby is the customer service booth, with the Wyverns lineup for the day.
 And then is the Touch Zone, again seeminly split into Legends and active players.
 Here are the Wyverns' legend players.
 Another photo op area, made to look like you're sitting in the dugout.
 There's a small children's area down the left field line. Yes, that's the Powerpuff Girls on the left. And a train that goes outside the stadium and then back in.
 I wonder what wonders are on the other side of that wall. How come I never got any super-cool forts to play in as a child? Kids have it good these days.
 A little further than that is a pitching target area and a ball pit for the little kids.
Back in the station, I remembered to take a photo of the mascots from the 2014 Asian Games. Incheon was a part of the games and this stadium was used. The convenience store in Munhak Sports Complex Station is the only place in Korea that I saw original-style Skittles, too - Sour Skittles were in several convenience stores but regular Skittles are apparently quite rare.

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