
From Kawaii to Kowai: A Scary Statue in Akihabara

Yesterday I brought you one of the cutest, least expensive costume/statue type of things I've ever seen: Danboard the cardboard robot. This time, it's one of the most realistic, scariest demon statues I've seen in person.
I don't know what this is. It's for some video game, I'm sure. But when I first saw it, they were in the process of setting up whatever marketing stand they were going to use the next day (or taking it down, I'm not sure) and there wasn't any signage up. This thing is pretty freaky, though I'm sure it'd make one heck of a Halloween costume.

I saw it in a different location in Akihabara a couple weeks later, but again without any signage to indicate its origin.

Anything geeky probably gets big in Akihabara. There are other otaku hubs in Tokyo and Japan, but nothing compares to Akiba. So I've seen a few promotional statues, cosplayers, and other promotional activities while exploring the shops. I won't guarantee you'll see something, but Sundays are a good bet (and the most crowded leisure/shopping time anywhere in Japan).

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