
Taichung National Museum of Natural Science in Taiwan

This is my 200th post! It look me long enough (about a year and nine months) but I've finally reached another milestone. There's nothing special going on today, just another post as I try to finish up my Taiwan trip from over a year ago...
 Let's go to a museum! Taichung is very proud of its science museum, and for those interested in science or for families with children, it's a good place to spend an afternoon.
 You get there by following a long path through a park-like setting. Be sure to look at the path itself, as it shows the natural history of the world.
 The large building across the street from the walkway is the museum. Be careful when crossing the street.
 Once inside, there are a ton of exhibits to look at. Be aware that there is a lot of Chinese, but English support is available.
 Taiwan loves models. There are plenty here! Natural science includes human interactions with nature.
 Don't worry. You can see animals too.
 Kangaroo-looking giant rat things and porcupines? Awesome.
 Dinosaurs are big here, and I don't just mean size. They're all over the place.
 Giant flying bugs! It's like I'm back in Texas!
 Giant leaping dinosaurs! It's like I'm back in... hmm.
 Down in the dinosaur exhibit, you can see a giant T-Rex and the little one move around a bit. They kind of rock back and forth.
 They have that sailboat dinosaur, too. I always liked these.
 Hmm. Natural science? It turns out that the museum looks at technology a lot too, so the name is a little misleading. Here you can read about some developments of old scientists.
 I don't remember what this was, but it's pretty cool.
 Architecture and design is fun, and a science. Naturally.
 Closed to the public when I visited, there was a pyramid built in the middle of the central courtyard.
 It turns out the museum looks not only at animals, but technology, human life, and cultures. This is a collection of brains. I think they're just models.
 In an integration of technology and life sciences, there was mention of a future suit that would be able to help paraplegics walk.
 I wish I remember what this did. But there he/she is.
 This looked fun, even though it's just a static display on computing technology.
 There was a stand-in-a-bubble station. Lots of interactive things were found together but that part was packed with kids. The bubble thing was the most popular, of course.
 Sharknado in 3D!
 Which way is up?
 Trick houses and trick art are really popular in Asia. Japan has a bunch of trick art photo museums, and they're pretty expensive for empty rooms with large printed stickers on the floors and wall. I saw two of these "size" rooms in Taiwan, where it looks like you're growing as you walk to the back of the room.
The museum was pretty fun for me, as a science teacher, and the children seemed to all be enjoying themselves. I recommend it only if you're a science geek or carrying kids; there are other museums in Taichung for adults without kids.

The Taichung National Museum of Natural Science is open 9AM to 5PM Tuesday through Sunday. There are additional sites that belong to the museum, including an earthquake memorial and botanical garden. Several buses go to the museum from the train station. Once arriving at the museum, ask to "rent" an English language headset, which will help you translate the permanent exhibits. The headset is free for the first two hours, so be sure to return it before you get charged (NT$100/hour after the first two).

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