
What I Didn't Buy at Taipei's Shilin Night Market

 Considered one of the must-see places in Taipei, the night market in Shilin is probably the biggest in Taiwan, and it's the place to do your shopping. Anything you'd like to buy that's mass-produced is here.
Head to Wenlin Road and Dadong Road, and follow the crowds. The shops (and carnival game booths!) spread out for several blocks. Don't come early - the stores open around 4pm and it's not until the sun goes down that the action really starts.
 Several of the stores inside the pavilion building sell souvenirs and trinkets. You can probably get a good deal here.
 Have a seat. Play a game!
 Are you looking for trinkets? Would you like a tiny dog?
 This stall was selling souvenirs, travel goods, and a bone hand. It's there... find it.
 The shoes in Taipei are just as crazy as the shoes in Japan.
 Are you looking to spice up your love life?
 Are you looking for a new cute character bag?
 Lots of character goods can be found in Taiwan, though sometimes I wonder if they're actually licensed.
 Cute shoes!
 Sexy shoes! I want to see someone walking in these heel-less heels.
 If you're looking for clothes, you can certainly find them here, including Chinese dresses.
 And they have pets!
 I don't think you can bring these home with you if you live outside of Taiwan, but they're fun to look at.
 Catch a fish game!
 Pet dog in a dog stroller. I see pet strollers in Japan fairly often, especially in trendy parts of town.
 Okay, food time. The giant sausages look good.
 Or you can get fruit, which is a great snack during the hot summers.
 Sugar cane to suck on?
 Seafood on a stick!
 These look like crabs.
I think I bought a couple trinkets at Shilin, but I didn't come here to shop. It's an interesting, crowded place to people-watch and get a feel for real Taiwan away from the tourist attractions. If I get a chance to return to Taiwan, I'm going to make an effort to return to Shilin again for the food and cultural flavor!

The market is "officially" open from 5pm to midnight, but some stores open early and the area stays alive well after (though the last subway trains leave around midnight). It's a 5-minute walk from Jiantan MRT station, and several buses stop at the market as well.


  1. Looks like more fun than Disneyland. I want a shot at catching a fish.

  2. Taiwan's night markets are really great. Just people watching and exploring the shops is a lot of fun! Add in the food, games, atmosphere, and bargains and you can have a great time. No thrill rides, though I'm sure you'll find plenty of Mickey Mouse merchandise.
