
Long Time No See!

I've been virtually silent for the past several months. What have I been doing? A lot, actually. The months of February through April are quite busy at work, with paperwork and preparations plus plenty of new students to meet. Plus, with the departure of two teachers and arrival of two others, there have been parties and functions.

On my down time, I've had very little energy. I have taken some day trips and did some sightseeing around Tokyo. I spent a lot of time with a friend who has since relocated to Australia, and hung out for a couple days with a fellow Japanese baseball fan who was on vacation in Tokyo.

On week nights and mornings, when I could be writing posts or at least doing something else constructive, I tend to just chill out in front of the TV (watching my DVDs - I almost never watch actual Japanese TV anymore). I haven't cooked at home in over a month. I've been mentally and physically exhausted from work.

But I am still, on the whole, happy in Japan. I am actually in Osaka right now, headed to Universal Studios Japan. I'll try to write a trip update later today, but until then thanks for reading and sticking with me during my silences!

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