
The perfect place for a beer: Popeye Bar, Ryogoku (Tokyo)

Are you thirsty? Do you like beer? No. Really. Do you like real beer, with hops and color and flavor and all that other goodness that you won't find in Asahi or Budweiser?
 Popeye advertises having 70 beers on tap, and I believe they're right. In fact, they probably have more. They might carry Budweiser and the mainstream Japanese beers, but this place is perfect for trying more rare brews from Japan and around the world.
 I've been a couple times now and I'll be back again. Beers come in multiple sizes so you can pace yourself if you want to try several different beers.
 This is a wheat beer served in a fancy glass. I've tried several types of beers on both of my visits and the taps change frequently, so there's always something else new.
 Weizen beer, Japanese glass.
 hat's that I see over the foam? Is that the bar? They've got a couple TVs to watch sports and you can see the bartender hard at work.
 This rare moment when he was gone gives an idea of all the taps mounted along the wall. They also have a couple hand-pump beers.
The best time to go is during happy hour (weekdays 5-8pm). With certain beers (about half of the selection), you get a free half-plate of an appetizer with every beer you order. Order six crown beers, get six appetizers. It's a great way to try some good brews and enjoy some fresh, hot food. Above you see some sausages, but they also have pizza, chicken, and a bunch of other options. I've also ordered their fresh grain bread (200 yen for two rolls) - fresh and hot and really delicious - each time I've visited. The place is pretty popular but I haven't had a problem finding a seat at the bar.

Popeye is a great place to really taste some good Japanese beer, and it's convenient to Akihabara via JR train. If you're going to the Edo Tokyo Museum or the Sumo Wrestling Museum, you'll be in Ryogoku, so be sure to swing by. For those who might visit multiple times, be sure to get a membership card (300 yen, I believe) - you can earn discounts and they send occasional coupons.

What about English? They have an English website, and their menu is half-English and half Japanese, so you can read and then point. Some of the waiters can speak English decently but probably won't carry on a conversation with you. I talked for a while with an older Japanese guy on my first visit who was mute. How did we talk? He knew enough vocabulary and would write words on paper. Pretty fun!

The website is located here. Be sure to print out the coupon before you go (a new one every month, usually). It usually gives you a good discount (half off) a certain beer. And a link to Google Maps is here so you can navigate in English (Popeye's English map is fairly basic).

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