
Location: The National Museum of Western Art, Ueno

 What a nice building! Inside those strong-looking walls sits some great non-Asian art.
 But first, be sure to admire the creepy door to hell-looking sculpture out front. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but I feel like I'll be entering a tomb if I pass through that thing.
 I'm posting just a couple snaps to show the kind of awesomeness you'll see inside the museum. The collection is pretty large and like all the museums in Ueno, the Western Art museum is a must-see.
 The collection spans most of history, including sculpture and paintings.
 I recall there being a large collection of religious works. I'm not a fan (for aesthetic reasons mainly) but they have an important place in art history.
 I do enjoy works similar to Renoir and Monet.
 But my favorite style of art has to be some of the stranger abstract works. Geometric shapes? I'm in. Lots of rectangles with black borders in a variety of sizes? You got it. I wouldn't mind having an original piece from these styles, actually.
No western art museum is complete without an authentic copy of The Thinker. Oddly enough, a special exhibition on Rodin is coming to the museum from November 3rd through January.

The museum is closed Mondays, but open other days 9-5 or later. Admission is a bargain at 420 yen. It's located in Ueno Park, on the east side next to the science museum. I visited on a Sunday afternoon and it wasn't too busy. I highly recommend this museum! Visit their website for details on hours (and special closure days), free days and discount admission, and temporary exhibitions.

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