
It's All About Seoul

Billy Joel is freaking awesome.

I booked my tickets tonight, and I'm off to Seoul (and the rest of South Korea) for the New Year. I'm actually leaving in the afternoon on Christmas, and I'll be back on the third. I hope to see and do all the touristy stuff on this trip. As you may know, I enjoy going to amusement parks, and I plan to visit all that the country has to offer. Plus, I'll be checking out the sights in and around Seoul and hunting down my usual baseball souvenirs. Korea has its own major baseball league and apparently there is a store in one of the Seoul stadiums that's opened year round and carries souvenirs from all the teams. Actually visiting the stadiums and seeing games will have to wait for some other time.

I got a great deal on tickets, more than half off the price I paid to go to Taiwan, and 10,000 yen less than I originally expected to pay. It seems that the current Senkaku Islands conflict might be affecting travel interests over the holidays. Plus, most Japanese stay home for New Years to visit temples with their families.

I've got a full itinerary already planned, but I'm always looking for ideas. I have not yet decided to visit the DMZ because that actually takes a long time and of course it isn't cheap. Who knows, I may end up changing my mind.

If you've been to Korea and have any suggestions for locations, food, entertainment, or budget sleeping ideas, please let me know! I expect to spend a couple days outside of Seoul too, so suggestions in Busan are welcome!

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