
An update

This has been a strange bunch of weeks since returning from Taiwan. I don't know if it's post-vacation depression (getting back to the doldrums of daily life) , some work-related stress, or bad sleeping habits (probably all three) but I haven't been in the writing mood. I've also been working on a couple projects at home that have been taking a lot of time.

I have a three-day weekend towards the end of the month and I am taking a quick trip to Nagoya. I'm really looking forward to it, and it took some careful planning to make the trip fit my very limited budget.

There's plenty more to come, as I'm still four months behind on my full trip reports. I just need to get into a regular writing rhythm (tough to do when your sleep schedule is off). Until then, here's a picture from my first purikura ever, with a few of my friends...

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