
Trip Report: Sea Paradise, Yokohama

I'm not sure why, but I believe you'll be getting multiple theme park trip reports in a row this month. Maybe I went to a bunch of parks in a row (and forgot about it). Today's post takes us just south of Yokohama to Sea Paradise.
 The sign is nice enough, if a bit rusted (what do you expect next to the sea?). However, the weather wasn't too inviting. The train station drops you off near the entrance over a long bridge. There's a drop tower hidding just next to the sign, and is that a roller coaster I see off in the distance too?
 I arrived around opening time to find a fairly empty park. Here's the carousel.
 It has horses. Some move up and down, some don't. How... ordinary! It looked nice enough, though. Apparently, it's a world-class carousel. Okay, it does have those nice paintings in the middle, good lighting and wood flooring. Maybe it's a classic.
 For those who don't like horses, the PowerPuff Girls can be your pilots in these old fighter planes.
 Maybe you feel like getting sick. The Drunken Barrels are just right for you!
 Despite the park being nearly deserted, there was a nice crowd of riders on the swinging pirate ship. I don't know who the characters are in front of the ride.
 Blue Fall is a really high drop tower. Like, 100 meters high. That's really high. I didn't ride (too cold, and too expensive for a drop ride!).
 From a distance, you can see how it towers over the rest of the park. Hey, that's right, there is a coaster in the park too...
 Oh, but there's a game room themed to look like a circus tent (well, from the outside, mostly). Lots of crane games in the middle, crane games around the lower outside wall, and pachinko and other adult games on the upper floor. Not much worth playing on this trip... let's keep walking around.
 It's an ice house! And it's freezing cold outside! No thanks. I didn't try the haunted house either.
 I'll have to come back to check out the aquarium sometime. They have dolphins.
 See? I could watch them devour fish from the viewing window outside the aquarium. There were a couple visible in the tank, and they seemed to like having fun. There's a scuba diver doing some cleaning or something.
 Moving right along, there's a bunch of these freaks. You can get right up next to the birds, and they look for food. Watch your fingers!
 Hey! I found the coaster! Surf Coaster is all by itself in the back corner. There's a very large field in front of it which was being used for marching band practice and other sports-like activities.
 For those of you who like this sort of thing. The coaster goes right out over the water for a short time.
 Lots of twisted metal. It's not a bad ride! Fairly smooth when I rode, though like pretty much all jet coasters there isn't much excitement to the ride itself. You just go high and kind of fast. However, there are nice moments of airtime and the helices have some good forces.
 Going down the first drop...
 Most of the riders are actually scared. It's really not that crazy.
I inadvertently made the people on the ride wait while I took this picture. I didn't think I was going to get to ride on this train. That's my seat in the back - empty and waiting. Since I made everyone wait (a couple seconds - I didn't spend a long time composing my shot) I figure I should post it. It's only polite.

Sea Paradise has a fairly small collection of rides - you saw pretty much all of them. There is a really fun-looking boat ride that's somewhat near the coaster, but my photos didn't come out (ugh, weather). Check out TPR's report with pictures!

If you're headed to Yokohama, you can go the extra 30 minutes or so to Sea Paradise (Hakkeijima Station). Admission to the park is free, and you pay per ride. Plus, the aquarium is supposed to be good. I'll have to save that for another trip, I guess. You can get an all-day pass for 4900 yen, or twilight tickets for 2700 yen, that include the aquarium and rides. Individual rides are 300-1000 yen. More details are available at the park website!

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