
Location: Kasai Rinkai Park

Yet again, I've gone a long time (this time, a full month!) since posting. As many of my students say, it's difficult. I should get into a writing routine again, like I had in California.

To give you an idea of how far behind I am, these pictures were taken in mid-February. Yup.
 Kasai Rinkai Park is located right on Tokyo Bay, next to the Arakawa River and the Tokyo Disney Resort. It has its own rail station, Kasairinkaikoen.
 On the west side of the park sits the ubiquitous Ferris wheel. It towers over everything in the area and, of course, offers some nice views.
 Looking back towards the train station (which is actually in the upper-left corner of the picture), you can see this nice little lake with a bridge. There were a couple ducks in the water.
 Visible across the park to the east is the Disney resort area. Well, mainly the hotels. The west side of the park has a couple estuaries. There weren't many birds in February but I'm sure they show up in the summer.
 To the south is a pair of beach islets, one of which is accessible by the bridge seen here. The tide was heading out while I took these pictures, exposing more of the beach surface.
 I'm sure in the summer, this path is nicely shaded by the trees.
 A view of the estuary looking back at the Ferris wheel.
 Another view of the estuary.
 And yet another. The dome on the right is the aquarium, next to an observation deck, looking out on the Tokyo Bay and back towards this estuary area.
 The bridge to the beach is fairly attractive and modern in style.
 This picture is deliberately out of focus. I really wanted to run up that ramp like a little child (and I think some have tried).
 The tide was out by the time I arrived at the beach, which was perfect - not many people were out on the beach due to the cold temperatures so the sand was untouched by feet. The little lumps seen in the waves of sand are from clams just beneath the surface.
 The sand almost looks fake here.
 A random clam shell sticking up out of the sand. I suppose the clam had become food for another creature recently.
 And this crab had met its match earlier as well. Maybe he died of old age, as it didn't look like the birds had found him yet.

 A view into the Ferris wheel.
 Golf is very popular in Japan, but space is limited. Driving ranges pop up all over the Tokyo area.
 Looking towards the Asakusa area of Tokyo, and the not-yet-open-at-the-time SkyTree.

I like this picture. It's fun and colorful! Tokyo can be a very drab city, especially in winter. The buildings are all grey or tan, and with no leaves on the trees everything has a dull look. Thankfully this inflatable in front of the Ferris wheel can brighten the end of the post!

Kasai Rinkai Park is free and open every day. There is an aquarium, food services, the Ferris wheel, and a couple other small attractions which have additional charges, and these close on some Wednesdays. I don't think swimming is allowed (I wouldn't recommend it - there are non-stinging but still unnerving jellyfish in these waters) but you can go wading on the beach with your kids. I spent a few hours there exploring the park, but it could be just a nice place to stroll or relax after a day at Disney. The park can get very crowded on holidays and Sundays, especially in the afternoons. Also note that, like many other places in Japan, toilet paper may not be available in the restroom. Please plan ahead and bring some or ask at the service center.

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