
Update: Sightseeing and Sickness

The past couple weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster ride for me. I wake up feeling great one day, and sick the next. I vacuumed my apartment for the first time a couple weeks ago and I think I kicked up some major dust that sent my sinuses on fire, making the next couple days miserable. I finally got better, and then my sleep patterns were a bit messed up, and I spent a day at work exhausted.

I recovered in time for the three day weekend (11th-13th) and all the excitement that was to bring: a good bit of Tokyo sightseeing, dinner and karaoke with my friend Ellie and her husband and friends on Saturday, and meeting a blogging friend on Monday. There are stories to be told for all of them, which I hope I can write this week. But I stayed up a little late Monday night and was pretty tired on Tuesday. I recovered for Wednesday and then developed a cold that really slowed me down for the rest of the week. Sunday was better as my cold seemed to be on the way out, and Monday was better still. It's now Tuesday morning and I'm feeling nearly 100%. I've found that using a sleeping mask (recommended by one of the girls I went to training with) helps me sleep a bit better, especially once it gets to be morning and the early sun brightens up my room.

Meanwhile, I signed up for internet last night, so I should have my own super-fast signal in exactly one week. Until then, it's very difficult to post pictures (I tried to add a photo to this post and it just would not work), and thus writing posts with pictures of all my travels is pointless right now. I think I got a pretty good deal - three months free plus 10,000 yen to spend at the electronics store where I signed up for service. I get the feeling it's the same offer everywhere as I checked a few places. I might get a printer or router, if the price is right.

So until I get internet service, thanks for reading! I might make a couple short posts with my phone this week (a little faster but the formatting is different). I have some goodies (candy) to show you.

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