
Location: Hiroshima's Fudo-in Temple

About four kilometers north of Hiroshima sits a heritage site over 400 years old.
 Right next to Fudoinmae Station, up a short path, nestled in between some much-more modern buildings, sits Fudo-in.
 You first approach the Roumon gate, built in 1594.
 The wood used in the construction of the gate was apparently brought back from Korea after the 1592 invasion.
 The gate has two protectors...
 They look quite old, and scary.
 I wonder when this gate was last closed. Even if it was, you could just walk around it now.
 Beyond it lies the Kondo (main hall), built in 1540. It wasn't open when I arrived. It was still raining up here when I arrived.
 Another view of the Kondo.
 A shrine off to the side.
 And more.
 There was one building open on the grounds.
 I believe this is the treasure hall. Someone more familiar with Buddhist temples could chime in and correct me if I'm wrong.
 There are a good number of treasures to be found inside.
More stuff.

There is also a bell tower which I somehow missed, which was also built in the 16th century.

The roofs of the buildings were damaged by the atomic bomb in 1945, but the structures remained intact and are the only real historic buildings that remain in Hiroshima.

As mentioned above, Fudo-in is easily reached by train to the Fudoinmae Station. The temple is on the east side, just down the stairs. Head towards the left away from the tracks. You can see a map here.

Location: Hiroshima Castle

 A short walk from Shukkeien Garden sits the reconstructed Hiroshima Castle.
 The castle and the surrounding area is bordered by a moat. The castle itself was built in the 1590s, but was destroyed by the atomic bomb in 1945. A replica now stands in its place.
 After the Meiji Restoration, the castle became the home of the Imperial General Headquarters. The foundations of several of the headquarters outbuildings remain, as you can see above.
 More outbuilding foundations remain.
 If you enlarge this image, you might be able to read about the headquarters.
 Do you see all the water sitting on the ground? Around this time, the rain started to let up, but the area was quite soggy.
 The area around the castle serves as a nice park in better weather.
 More remaining foundations...
 Finally, in the corner, you find the reconstructed castle tower, made mostly of concrete. Inside you'll find a museum detailing the history of the castle and several artifacts. No photos are allowed inside the castle...
 ... until you reach the top, where there's a nice view of the park and city.
 There is a shrine on the grounds as well.
 I just missed some kind of ceremony (note the blurry walking men on the left).
 Near the shrine, at one of the other entrances, a gate has been reconstructed.
 The castle is known as Carp Castle (Hiroshima's mascot is the carp). Here are some carp that sit on the castle tower.
 The reconstructed yagura and gate serve as a place for receptions. A large wooden-floored hall...
 ... and a tatami mat-covered room as well.
 The gate and building were recently rebuilt using wood in traditional methods. The tatami mat room is in the building to the right, with the wooden floored room behind it.
 A look across the moat towards the castle.
 A statue sits across the bridge from the reconstructed gate.
The sun begins to peek out from the clouds somewhere behind the castle tower.

Hiroshima Castle is a ten minute walk from the Kamiyacho tram stop (lines 1, 2, and 6 from Hiroshima Station) or a ten minute walk from Shukkeien Garden. The castle is open from 9 to 6 (closing earlier on weekdays from December to February). Admission is 360 yen into castle, but the grounds, shrine, and halls (if not being used) are free.

Location: Hiroshima Shukkeien Garden

 It was a rainy, cold Monday morning when I continued my exploration of Hiroshima. My first stop that morning was Shukkeien Garden, a piece of well-sculpted nature in a busy city. The garden was first created in 1620.
 As with almost everything of importance in Hiroshima, it was destroyed by the atomic bomb. The sign above mentions that many survivors of the blast took refuge in the remains of the park but died before they could receive medical care; their remains are interred in the park.
 About 70 years later, the park was a beautiful, but wet, way to spend my morning. In fact, I spent much more time here than I expected.
 There is a lake in the middle, with several ponds, bays and peninsulas designed to make smaller environments in the larger garden. The name Shukkeien means "shrunken scenery". I like the stepping stone-style bridge here.
 A normal bridge jumps across another bay, while the path wanders off in the distance.
 I don't know the significance of these stone houses. I call them houses because I'm sure birds, snakes, or insects could move in.
 There were some nice May blossoms when I arrived.
 A random tree leans toward the lake, with the bridge in the background.
 Here's a closer look at the bridge. You can't walk over the arch (at least on this day) but a smaller bridge around the arch is provided.

 Peninsula and island, side by side.
 Each section of the park has a different feel. On this side of the park, it's more mountainous.
 A (closed) house is on the back side of the garden. There are three main buildings in the garden - the tea house, a house which was being used to play music, and this one. All three buildings are used as tea houses as needed.
 A small stream empties into lake, as a visitor hops across the stone step bridge.
 Here's the bridge.
 You can generally stroll around the entire lake right alongside the water, though an outer path gives you a better look at the garden.
 That doesn't mean there are no flowers along the water's edge.
 Looking towards the bridge and the music house.
 Another view - bridge, island, and peninsulas.
 Did I mention it was raining? Look closely at the giant raindrop and you can see a tree.
 I've been to a few Japanese gardens now, and I was impressed with every one.
 I've finally circled the lake back to the music house.
An expert at this instrument was strumming away while an elder lady watched from a distance. The music could be heard off and on throughout the quiet park as the sound carried over the lake.
Shukkeien is about 15 minutes from Hiroshima Station on foot or by tram. It's a very short walk from the Shukkeien-mae stop on tram line 9, but I walked in the rain that morning. The gardens open at nine, and close at five or six depending on the season. Admission is only 250 yen, which is a great deal.